понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


The music holds to a solid midtempo groove virtually throughout which I find very pleasing. The second selection sees Hernan notching up the energy levels and heading into more driving territory. Tuned In This is a blog about music. This site uses cookies. Tuned In To Music will have reviews, lots of reviews, stories about live gigs, thoughts on music in our lives and culture, discussions of issues regarding music tech and anything else related to music that seems worth including. renaissance the masters series hernan cattaneo

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The overall result is classic Hernan and renaidsance Renaissance; two sumptuously mixed offerings which distil both the DJ and the brand in immaculate fashion. Now as they celebrate their twentieth year of activity they end on a bang with a flurry of compilations.

renaissance the masters series hernan cattaneo

For my tastes this Cattaneo mix has both strengths and weaknesses. This is a blog about music. The first disc shuffles between deep house and off kilter electronic grooves, boasting productions from the likes of Guy J, Ripperton, Guy Gerber and Martin Garcia.

Cattaneo, Hernan - Renaissance Masters Series (Part 17)

It is very smoothly mixed with each track flowing effortlessly into the next giving each of the two discs a highly unified feel. Microtrauma — Crickets The stream with the best sound quality is the one here at Tuned In To Music.

Ripperton — Des Promesses De Couleurs 4.

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Tuned In To Music Reflections from a lifetime. The result is a mix that sounds pretty much the same no matter where you are in the set.

Renaissance: The Masters Series: Hernan Cattaneo, Volume 2

You are commenting using your Twitter account. The second selection sees Hernan notching up the energy levels and heading into more driving territory. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Web Design by Madesigns.

renaissznce Tuned In To Music also has a series of podcasts that are like radio shows featuring both music and talk mostly music focused on a variety of topics of musical interest. Renaissance has had a bigger part than most in the advancement of the mix compilation. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Preorder on Itunes — Renaissance: You are commenting using your Facebook account. Better yet it works as a pointer to the global sounds that are currently dominating dancefloors, a picture perfect barometer of the electronic pulse that is making feet move the world over. Itunes link and Promo mix on the full post. Compuphonic — Sequoia diskJokke Remix 7. cattanoe

renaissance the masters series hernan cattaneo

You are commenting using your WordPress. Mercurio mqsters California You are commenting using your Google account. The music holds to a solid midtempo groove virtually throughout which I find very pleasing.

Renaissance is one of the seriss record labels devoted to dance mix collections and their two-disc Masters Series lies at or near the top of their catalog. This site uses cookies. Any 10 minutes sounds very good but every 10 minutes sounds more or less like every other 10 minutes.

Cattaneo, Hernan - Renaissance Masters Series (Part 17) | Bilbo

Notify me of new denaissance via email. Tuned In To Music will have reviews, lots of reviews, stories about live gigs, thoughts on music in our lives and culture, discussions of issues regarding music tech and anything else related to music that seems worth including. Each of the two discs increases in intensity over its length but its a slow and steady business. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Lifa — Moon Rover 2.

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