вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Table 8 page 62 lists possible causes of these errors and corrective actions. Shrink is not supported on VMFS volumes. The default interval is one second. The version number is also shown at the bottom of the login screen. EVA cabling hardware configuration guide. Halting all host access to the storage system for an offline upgrade optional 43 Step 5. This page is displayed while the upgrade components are processed. xcs 6.250

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See Table 1 page 7 for links to these documents. Save and clean the application eventlog file. A final Confirm System Code Load window opens.

xcs 6.250

When you restart the process, it begins with the next disk that needs to be upgraded. Indication that the example continues. Once the upgrade is complete, restart the cluster services and restart the secondary node to return it to the cluster.

If the battery exhibits the 62.50 event and visual indicators, contact HP Support for assistance before starting the controller software upgrade. Check the cable connections between the management server and the switch.

When all the EMUs are reinstalled and display their correct enclosure IDs, restart the top controller.

HP P Enterprise Virtual Array Compatibility Reference_图文_百度文库

If you did on offline upgrade, perform the following steps: These values are appropriate for 6.520 storage system operations, including online controller software upgrades. Get Amman's weather and area codes, dcs zone and DST. An array initialization is required, which causes data loss or requires a restore. Locate the white paper for your array model at: If xcz are running Remote Support software, enable it as follows: You can view the collected files that are sent to HP in the Raw Data screen that displays before the raw data is sent to HP.

Use proactive event notification to alert you if a critical event occurs during the 48 hours before the upgrade. The following events cause the controller to resysnchronize automatically: Click Agent Options in the session pane.

xcs 6.250

Enter a name in Component Group Name. Ideal for customers who can benefit from proactive notification, but do not need proactive service delivery and integration with a management platform.

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When data collection is complete, 6.2500 raw data is sent to HP. Resolution When these messages are observed, it is not necessary or recommended to replace the EMUs or any other part.

xcs 6.250

If any unusual icons are visible, check with your HP-authorized service representative before doing the xcd. I have rebooted the hsv controllers to no xcx. Enter the switch login and password, if prompted, and enter the read community value to discover the switch. To view details for a supported switch, navigate to Other Hardware in the left menu and select Switches. If desired, verify and change the amount of time you expect the array to remain in service mode.

HP P Command View sends the page to the web server.

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6.2500 mode would be most correct? Select the array in the navigation pane and click Refresh to update the cache. Estimated time to complete: Upgrading the controller software Estimated. Press Enter to enter the password and return to the default display. Drive code load - The Storage Cell is in device discovery, and the requested operation cannot be served Restart the disk drive firmware upgrade. A confirmation box opens.

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