понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Only for a few cards not all of them ofc: Tuesday, May 28, This program and the people whome are working on it are deserve the thanks from all of us, and i know preaty well that we just can not expect them to do every single minor jobs next to the greater ones. You cannot edit your posts in this forum. You cannot post new topics in this forum. Thursday, May 30, 4: ygopro-1.031.0-v4-percy-full.7z

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Or at least the most of them. Quite a few of them have the wrong names, of note are: To enable all features please try to register or login.

Link Here. Ygopro 1.031.0 V4

If you ygopro-1.031.0-v4-percy-full.z to create Xyz monsters then try out the YugoCo site. SoliceTK Thanks for fixing the Harpies, friend. Today i have released the new version of my picture upgrade pack the V1. There are tons of very good images, good job sir!

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Friday, June 07, 6: Everyone feel free to use them my cards if they want it. You cannot reply to topics in this forum. You cannot delete your posts in this forum. I would do this too if you'd teach me: Thursday, May 30, 3: Can you post a ygopro-1.031.0-v4-percy-fuol.7z


Card Image Upgrade - A minor visual update. Utopia Ray V, Number C Thursday, June 06, Thursday, May 30, 4: Preview is now available. Yes, 1st you need to download the pack everytime, since this my only way to UPDATE itthen you just overwrite the original pics folder with the one in the pack.


The reason behind this topic is this and this. Still i need to state an obvious difference ygopro.1031.0-v4-percy-full.7z your and my job here. If you can show me an example what kind of "preview" do you expect from me, then ofc i will create it for you. At the moment, we are talking about cards here. The new version has total 27 new cards - Bujin every card - Fire Kings every card - Madolche 3 cards.

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You cannot vote in polls in this forum. Ygopro-1.031.0-v4-pegcy-full.7z, June 07, Can I request you add Steelswarm and Infestation card pictures to the pack? Thursday, May 30, 5: You do not need to do anything special, just sharpen your already complete and resized card and there we go! This program and the people whome are working on it are deserve the thanks from all of us, and i know preaty well that we just can not expect them to do every single minor ggopro-1.031.0-v4-percy-full.7z next to the greater ones.

To me this is look like this: Tuesday, June 11, 8: I am also a Harpie fan! The preview is now available, i will extend it but for now it is okay i think!

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